Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
At FFC, we love God and we love people. Our heart is to reach our community and we are involved in monthly local missions to serve and help as we partner with Sugartree Ministry, New Life Clinic, Hope House, and Clinton County Homeless Shelter. We also believe in partnership with global missions ministries to reach the unreached around the world. We currently invest in missions and outreaches in Thailand, China, Lebanon, Haiti, Africa, Canada, and several others.

Active Missionaries
Joel & April Louisignau
In 2010, we answered the call to be a voice to the masses. Here at GBB, our goal is to preach the gospel to one million people every year. We want to focus on the most unreached places where the gospel is not readily available. It's vital that we reach these precious people while the door is still open. With time seemingly short, and eternity coming fast, we must mobilize, get all involved in the harvest, and take this gospel message out to humanity.
Ken & Tonja Taylor
In full-time ministry since 1987, Ken and Tonja Taylor have a God-given mandate to help impact the nations of the French-speaking world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Since 1992, they have been residing as missionaries in France and French-Canada as well as working extensively in Haiti and Africa. While serving for over two decades as senior pastors of a growing congregation in the heart of Québec, they founded four French-speaking RHEMA Bible Training College campuses – three in Québec and one in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and they currently oversee an international task force whose goal is to expand the ministry into every nation of the French-speaking world.
Matt & Julie Hattabaugh
Andrew & Elizabeth Braze
There is 1 church for every 1,000,000 people in the Middle East. We believe according to 2 Thessalonians 3, that the Message of Jesus will spread rapidly and be received throughout the Arab speaking world. We want to see 100 GROW GROUPS launched and growing throughout Lebanon. These groups can meet in homes, cafes, or businesses, and make up the elemental building blocks of our Groups Based Church model.
Andrew Braze and his family moved to China in 2007 and started Asia Commission Ministries. Their main focus is training leaders and equipping nationals for the work of the ministry. They have 14 Bible schools in 3 different Asian countries with 396 students. They help locals to develop a personal relationship with the Lord and encourage them to allow Him to lead, guide, and teach them. In addition to studying the Bible, in order to graduate, the students must also be actively involved in one or more of Asia Commission’s compassion outreaches. They rescue girls from sex trafficking and operate a rehabilitation home for the rescued girls. They provide education and food for orphaned children and teens. They have ongoing outreaches to lepers living in isolated remote leper colonies. They have ongoing ministry outreaches to remote villages that have never before heard the name of Jesus or the Gospel. They reach these villages through clean drinking water projects, agricultural projects, and micro animal loans. They also have an effective abortion prevention and abortion alternatives ministry. Through their various Bible schools and compassion ministries they have planted 68 Churches in Asia.